Jane Horne, RVT
Jane Horne RVT died at the end of June, 2017. With Dr. Manly Stallworth, Jane started the vascular lab at Roper Hospital, Charleston SC in 1959 and stayed at Roper for 33 years, retiring in 1992. A Charter member of our Society, she was elected to be the third President, serving 1980-81. Jane was a respected faculty member at many seminars, including London, UK in 1981 and the vascular ultrasound course at Wake Forest University, Winston Salem for several years. With Dr. Stallworth, in the early 1980’s, Jane organized what became the annual Roper vascular symposium. These emerged as one of the ‘must go-to’ meetings for many techs, physicians and other researchers.
Jane and Ben were married for 67 years, had one daughter and 4 boys (3 as triplets!). She and Ben were very active at St. James Church on James Island and she was a Board member of St. James cancer support group. (She was treated for lung cancer in 1992, was pronounced cancer-free, a claim to fame being that she was the 8th patient to be treated with Cyber Knife radiation). Many SVU members will remember Jane fondly for her honesty and ability to treat everyone with her old-world southern charm.