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October 28 / 9:30 am
October 29 / 5:00 pm
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3rd CME HeartCare and Cardiovascular Medicine Conference – a meeting that will navigate new horizons in cardiology and cardiovascular medicine through improving patient care. The theme of this year’s congress is ‘Joining forces to protect the heart’ and you can be part of it either onsite or online. Let us showcase your abstract, clinical case or late-breaking research both in-person in London and virtual from across the world. Each presentation will presented in the Research Gateway, giving you the opportunity to interact with a global audience and discuss your work with leading experts and peers.

CME accredited HeartCare and Cardiovascular Medicine Conference is an initiative established to keep up with advances in cardiology and also, how to translate them directly to patient care with special focus on digital transformations in health and technology.

Get Ready to Network.
* With fellow researchers, potential co-investigators and mentors in your fields
* Your findings with global cardiology community and faculty, face-to-face in London and online around the world
* With multinational connections with all sub-specialty professionals
* Through keeping your work, your team and your institution in the spotlight
* Best Presentation, YRF and Poster Awards
* CME credits for all the participants