Melinda Bender, BS RDMS RVT
Heather Gornik, MD RPVI RVT
This webinar will review clinical and vascular features of the rare vascular disease fibromuscular dysplasia and the approach to vascular duplex scanning of FMD in various locations. A series of clinical cases will be presented with perspectives from a vascular technologist and FMD-specialist physician.
Upon Completion of this course the learner should be able to:
1. Review clinical features of FMD and why it is important to recognize FMD in the vascular laboratory
2. Define sonographic findings of FMD in different arterial locations
3. Explain technical tips and tricks for image optimization for FMD
4. Define arterial aneurysm and dissection as manifestations of FMD
FREE to All SVU Members, however advanced registration is required.
Registration closes on July 10.