March 19, 2020
This is a difficult time for all of us. As healthcare professionals, many of you are on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus (COVID-19). We cannot thank you enough for your service in the face of this pandemic, and urge you to follow all CDC and WHO guidelines to ensure the health and safety of you, your family, your colleagues, and your patients.
To protect the health of our staff, SVU has closed its office indefinitely, moving to remote operations. We are committed to serving and supporting our members as you support the US healthcare system during this crisis. To contact SVU, please email us with details of your issue at or use our website’s contact form, both of which we check regularly. We will do our best to assist you in a timely manner.
Many of you are not or soon may not be working for any of a variety of reasons (self-quarantine, social distancing, employers cutting hours/staff). We want you to know that SVU is here for you during these challenging times. Here are some of the SVU resources you can tap into from home as a member:
- Access to over 40 hours of free CME tests through SVU, including the March 2020 Journal for Vascular Ultrasound articles and on-demand webinars. You can also read back issues of JVU dating back to 2003.
- Utilize the SVU Open Forum to connect with other sonographers, physicians, and allied health professionals who are going through the same thing as you. The SVU Open Forum is a great place to share your knowledge, and we need to share knowledge now more than ever.
- Now is also a great time to write an article for our Journal for Vascular Ultrasound, please reach out to our Member Outreach Committee if you need help turning your idea into a manuscript.
Please reach out to our office via email to or the Contact Us form on the website if you have any questions or concerns, or experience challenges accessing online resources. Remember, SVU is built for you, and we are always here to help.
Most importantly, be safe. We can beat this pandemic, but we all need to work together.
Best regards,
Kelly Byrnes, BS RVT FSVU
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